
If you can't find the answer to your question here, please don't hesitate to get in touch.


What is My Wishlist?

On My Wishlist you can create a wishlist. Easy and for free.

Creating a Secret Santa is also possible.

Is My Wishlist free?
Yes, you can use My Wishlist at no cost at all.
How do I create a wishlist?
After registering, your wishlist is created immediately. You can then start adding items.
Does My Wishlist have an app?

My Wishlist is a "web app", which you can add to your home screen:

Apple: In Safari, click the share icon, and select "Add to Home Screen".

Android: In Chrome, open the menu, and select "Add to Home Screen".


How do I add an item to my wishlist?
  1. Click the green button "New item" at the top of your wishlist.
  2. Copy-paste the item's URL.
  3. Provide the item's other details.
  4. Click "Save".

Alternatively, you can use our Gift Ideas to browse through millions of products, which you can easily add to your wishlist.

To add items more quickly and easily, you can install our browser extension.

Do I need to provide a URL?

No, providing a URL is completely optional. However, if an item can be found in a webshop, it is recommended to provide its web address. This has some advantages:

  1. My Wishlist can analyze the item, and prefill the title, image, etcetera for you.
  2. Your family & friends can easily view and purchase the item via the link.
Which webshops are supported?

My Wishlist supports all webshops! 🎉

(In the unlikely event that you have trouble adding items, please let us know so that we can fix it.)

What are suggestions?

When adding a new wishlist item without a URL, we'll try and suggest some products from our Gift Ideas.

You can use these suggestions to quickly add an item to your wishlist.

You can also skip the suggestions and provide all item details yourself.

Can I change the order of my wishlist items?
New items are placed at the top of your wishlist. But you can reorder your wishlist items by dragging them to another position. On touch screens you'll need to "long press" the item before you can start dragging it.
How do I modify an item?
On your wishlist, click the item you want to modify. Then click the button with the pen icon. Change the item details (e.g. title, image, price) and click "Save".
How do I delete an item?
On your wishlist, click the item you want to delete. Then click the button with the trash icon. The item will be moved to your trash. After 30 days, the item will be deleted permanently.
How do I add items with the browser extension / bookmarklet?
With the browser extension / bookmarklet you can add items from web stores to your wishlist quickly and easily. The browser extension / bookmarklet can be installed here. When you're viewing an item in a web store, just click the extension/bookmarklet. My Wishlist will then analyze the item, so that you can add it to your wishlist immediately. This works for all web stores!


How do I send my wishlist?
At the top of your wishlist, click the button "Send wishlist". You can then choose between several sharing options, including email, WhatsApp, Facebook, and more.
Can I send my wishlist by postcard?

Yes. Every wishlist has its very own short link, exactly for that purpose. The short link is easier to read and type than the normal link. You'll find your short link under "Settings" > "Wishlists".

Another option is to share your wishlist with a QR code. You can create a QR code in Google Chrome: explanation

Can I change my wishlist after sending it?
Of course! You can always make changes to your wishlist.
How do I change my wishlist name?
Go to "Settings" > "Wishlists".
Can I add a second/third/... wishlist?
Yes, you can create multiple wishlists. Go to "Settings" > "Wishlists" and click "New wishlist" at the bottom of the screen.
How do I delete my wishlist?

If you have multiple wishlists, you can delete a wishlist under "Settings" > "Wishlists". Select the wishlist, then on the bottom of the screen click "Delete wishlist".

If you only have one wishlist, then you cannot delete it, as your account must always contain one wishlist.

Who can see my wishlist?

You're in control of who can see your wishlist. The default visibility setting is "Friends", which means that you, the people you send your wishlist to, and your friends on My Wishlist can see it.

Please note that your wishlist looks somewhat different to your visitors than it does to you. For example, as the wishlist owner, you can add, edit and delete items, while your visitors cannot. On the other hand, your visitors can reserve items on your wishlist, while you cannot.

How do others see my wishlist?

Almost the same as you do, with the following important differences:

  • You, the owner of the wishlist, can add, edit and delete items. Others cannot.
  • Others can reserve items, and see which items have already been reserved. You cannot.
How do I change my wishlist's visibility?

Under "Settings" > "Wishlists" you can control your wishlist's visibility. The following settings are available:

Only you
Who can see your wishlist:
(Use this setting if you want to keep your wishlist completely private.)

Who can see your wishlist:
  People you send your wishlist to

Who can see your wishlist:
  People you send your wishlist to
  Your friends on My Wishlist
(This is the recommended setting for most wishlists.)

Who can see your wishlist:
  People you send your wishlist to
  Your friends on My Wishlist
  Search engines

Can I add a second administrator?

Yes, it's possible to add a second administrator to your wishlist. The second admin can also add, edit and delete items. This is a useful feature for e.g. parents who want to manage a wishlist for their child.

You can add a co-administrator under "Settings" > "Wishlists". Click the wishlist, and on the bottom of the screen choose "Add admin". Fill in the email address of the new admin. Please note that he/she must already have an account on My Wishlist.


What is reserving?
Family and friends can reserve items on your wishlist. By reserving an item, they're indicating that the item is "theirs" to give, and should not be bought or given by anyone else. Reserving items prevents double gifts.
Who can reserve an item?
If somebody can view your wishlist, they can also reserve an item.
Who can see which items have been reserved?
Everybody who can view your wishlist, can see which items have already been reserved.
Can I see if an item has been reserved?

No. You, the logged in wishlist owner, cannot see which items have been reserved. We wouldn't want to spoil the surprise!

However, if you really don't like surprises, you can enable "Spoiler mode". Under "Settings" > "Wishlists" > "Advanced settings". With spoiler mode enabled, you will see which items have already been reserved on your own wishlist. Surprise = spoiled! 🙁

Can I prevent an item from being reserved?
Yes. When editing an item, you can make an item "unreservable". This is a useful feature for items that you can never get too many of (such as ❤️ or 💰).
Can an item be un-reserved?
Yes. The reserver receives a confirmation email after reserving a wishlist item. That email contains a link to undo the reservation. Alternatively, the reserver can undo the reservation from their reservations overview.

Shipping address

Can people send gifts to my address?
My Wishlist allows you to add your address, so people can have their gift delivered to you directly. To enable this, you can provide your shipping address under "Settings". Your address will then be shared automatically with the people who reserve an item on your wishlist.
Where can I add my address?
You can add your shipping address under "Settings" > "Shipping address".
Who can see my address?
If you've enabled sharing your address, then everybody who reserves an item on your wishlist can see it. The shipping address will be displayed in the confirmation email, which people receive after reserving an item.
Can I hide my real/home address?

If you want to share a shipping address, but also want to keep your real/home address private, then you could consider using a package forwarding service, or a PO Box. You can then share that anonymous address instead of your real/home address.


What are friends on My Wishlist?
Friends are people you know, who have also an account on My Wishlist. Friends automatically have access to each other wishlists via the Friends page. An easy way to stay up-to-date on each other's wishes!
Where do I find my friends' wishlists?
On the Friends page you can find an overview of your friends who also have a wishlist on My Wishlist. This page also shows recent activity of your friends, such as recently added items.
How do I add a friend?

You can add a friend yourself in one of the following ways:

  • When visiting their wishlist, click the "Add to friends" link on the top of the screen.
  • Or, on your Friends page, click the button with the plus icon. There you can add a friend by providing their email address. They should already have an account on My Wishlist.

You also become friends automatically if you reserve an item on someone's wishlist. And, when participating in a Secret Santa, all participants automatically become friends with each other.

Why isn't my friend listed on my Friends page?

If you've added a friend, but they don't appear on your Friends page, that means their wishlist isn't visible to you:

  • Your friend hasn't created a wishlist yet
  • Or, they've set its visibility to "Invitees" / "Only you"
  • Or, one of you has blocked the other under "Settings" > "Blocked friends"

If their wishlist becomes visible to you in the future, your friend will automatically appear on your Friends page.

How do I delete a friend?
Under "Settings" > "Blocked friends" you can block somebody. Once blocked, that person won't show up on your Friends page, and vice versa.

Secret Santa: organize

How do I organize a Secret Santa?
In three simple steps:
  1. Enter the names of all participants
  2. Set up any exclusions (optional)
  3. Send the Secret Santa to all participants.
Can I set up exclusions?

Yes. By setting up exclusions, you can prevent a participant from drawing a specific name. This is a useful feature if e.g. partners should not be able to draw each other.

You can create one-way exclusions and two-way (mutual) exclusions. Here are some examples:

  • Alice cannot draw Bob. (One-way exclusion.)
  • Bob cannot draw Charlie and vice versa. (Two-way exclusion.)

Setting up exclusions is completely optional.

How can I draw different names than last year?

Would you like to prevent participants from drawing the same name as last year? You can!

If you used My Wishlist to organize a Secret Santa last year, then please log in first. When you start creating your Secret Santa, you'll get the question if you'd like to use the same participants as last year. Choose "Yes" and each participant will automatically draw a different name.

If this is your first time organizing a Secret Santa on My Wishlist, you can add the desired exclusions manually under "Exclusions".

Can participants see the exclusions?
No, participants cannot see the exclusions you set up.
Could I draw my own name? / Could a name be drawn twice? / Could a participant be left out?

No. You cannot draw your own name. A name cannot be drawn twice. Nobody will be left out. (It would be a pretty terrible Secret Santa Generator otherwise...)

Can I add/remove participants afterwards?
Sorry, it's not possible to add or remove participants afterwards. All names have already been assigned to each other. You could consider creating a new Secret Santa.
How do I monitor which participants have (not) viewed their drawn name?
When viewing your drawn name, scroll to the bottom, and click "all participants". The list displays all participants, if they've viewed their drawn name, and if they've created a wishlist. The list is visible to all participants.
Can I view the full list of who's drawn who?

No, each participant can only view their own drawn name. It's meant to be a Secret Santa after all ;)

When the date of the Secret Santa has passed, the organizer can see an overview of all drawn names, under "Settings" > "Secret Santas" > "Edit" > "View all drawn names".

How do I delete a Secret Santa?

The organizer can delete a Secret Santa under "Settings" > "Secret Santas" > gear icon > "Edit". At the bottom of screen is the option to delete that Secret Santa.

The participants are not informed about the deletion.

Secret Santa: send

How do I send the drawn names?

The organizer of the Secret Santa sends the drawn names to all participants. This can be done in a variety of ways, including email and WhatsApp.

Each participant opens the link they received, and views their drawn name.

Do participants need an email address?
Yes, every participant needs an email address. All participants receive their drawn name by email.
What if a participant does not have an email address?

We recommend creating an email address. You can do so for free at e.g. Gmail or Outlook.

Alternatively, you could re-use another email address with "plus addressing". For example, Donald Duck could re-use his own email address for Huey: Emails for Huey will arrive in Donalds inbox. (Please check with your email provider if plus addressing is available.)

How do I resend a drawn name?

The organizer can resend drawn names. Go to your Secret Santas overview, click the gear icon on the right hand side, and select 'Send'.

You can resend a drawn name by email, WhatsApp, etc.

Once all participants have viewed their drawn name, it is no longer possible to resend the drawn names.

Secret Santa: wishlist

Can participants create a wishlist?

Yes! When viewing their drawn name, participants will have the option to create a wishlist.

The participant's Secret Santa will be able to view their wishlist automatically.

Creating a wishlist is completely optional.

I've created a wishlist. How do I send it to my Secret Santa?
There's no need to send your wishlist, because your Secret Santa can already view your wishlist. As long as the wishlist visibility is set to 'Friends' (which is the default) or 'Public'.

Secret Santa: messages

Can I ask an anonymous question to the person I drew for the gift exchange?

Yes, you can ask an anonymous question to the person you drew for the gift exchange. This is handy if you have a question about their wish list!

When viewing your drawn name, click on "Ask a question to your drawn name".

If the Secret Santa date has passed, asking an anonymous question is no longer possible.

Will I remain anonymous when I send a message?
Yes, you will. You are the Secret Santa, so your name will not be revealed to the person you drew. Just be careful not to accidentally reveal your identity yourself!
What happens after I ask a question?
The person you drew will receive an email notification. In that email, there will be a link they can use to read and respond to your question.
What happens after I receive an answer?
Once your drawn name has answered your question, you will receive an email notification. In that email, there will be a link you can use to read the answer.


How do I delete my account?
You can delete your account yourself under "Settings" > "Account" by clicking the "Delete account" link at the bottom of the page.
Is My Wishlist available in other languages?

My Wishlist has two sister sites:

Who created My Wishlist?
My Wishlist was created by Jamo Web Creations. The first version of My Wishlist was launched in 2012.
How do you make money?

Some wishlist items contain an affiliate link to a webstore. When an item is bought through such a link, we receive a small fee (commission) from the store in question. No worries: this does not change the price for the buyer.

As an Amazon Associate, MyWishlist earns from qualifying purchases.